Welcome to Painter’s Pathway
After an incredible first year as a full-time artist, with lots of milestones and just as many uncomfortable moments, I have been thinking about
So I started contemplating a few weeks ago the idea of starting a blog in the New Year. To share the things I’m learning and the challenges I’m facing as I go. Having been writing for years as a way to give clarity and my thoughts I have always thought of it as something private.
Instagram was probably my first taste of writing for public consumption and even then the captions on posts would feel restrictive, and to be honest a bit too vulnerable. Being an artist with a public profile is a great way to get my work out there but it can definitely feel a bit too exposing at times. When I started my art account on Instagram I didn’t expect to meet such like-minded people. The connections I’ve made with collectors, fellow artists, gallerists, curators, and aspiring artists have contributed so much to my confidence as a painter especially on the days when I’ve needed to know I’m not the only one.
These conversations both online and in person have been so valuable to me; full of encouragement, and insightful advice for each other. Whether it’s about where to buy great quality tubes for art prints or the pressure we put on ourselves to make every painting my “best one yet!”. Now and then I’d think, there must be more poeple who feel this way in their own lives whether or not they are in this industry. I figure the only way to be useful with what I share is to do it as it’s happening. As they say you won’t accurately remember what it was like 10 steps ago, but you’ll know how to share the 2-3 steps you have just taken. Every other week I’ll be writing about some behind-the-scenes in the studio, the paintings I’m working on, exhibitions and event I’m in as well as conversations and interviews with some of my very good friends in this industry.
Is there anything you’re curious about in my business or practice as a full-time painter? Is there a specific topic you want to know more about? Send me a DM or email at studio@avakheraart.com. I’d love to chat and know more about where you’re at and how I can help through this blog.